Uninstall in App
Right-click the status bar icon of Omi NTFS Disk Pro. Then click uninstall the app, and enter the system password.
Uninstall manually
1. Open Finder -> Press [command + shift + g], input /Library/Filesystems/, delete omni_ntfs.fs file.
2. Open Finder -> Press [command + shift + g], input /Library/Extensions/, delete omni_ntfs.kext file.
3. Open Finder -> Press [command + shift + g], input /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/, delete NTFS-Pro-by-Omi-Helper file.
4. Open Finder -> Press [command + shift + g], input /Library/LaunchDaemons/, delete HelperTool-Launchd.plist file.
5. Open Finder -> Press [command + shift + g], input /Applications, delete xNTFS Pro file.
6. Reboot the system.
If you are a programmer, please use Terminal to enter the following commands, then reboot the system.
sudo rm -rf /Library/Filesystems/omni_ntfs.fs
sudo rm -rf /Library/Extensions/omni_ntfs.kext
sudo rm -f /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/NTFS-Pro-by-Omi-Helper
sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/HelperTool-Launchd.plist
sudo rm -rf /Applications/xNTFS\ Pro.app
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